Milk Bar Corn Cookies

In the summer of 2015, my husband and I took a trip to NYC to celebrate our 5th anniversary. It was magical. We had been anticipating the trip for years and created a list of all of the places we wanted to visit.

One of those places on my list was the Momofuku Milk Bar. I am a big master chef fan, and was introduced to Christina Tosi through watching the show. I was really hoping I would get to try some of her tasty creations on our trip and WE DID!

We entered into a tiny little shop in the glow of a hot pink neon light. We waited in line to grab some cookies and a cereal milk milkshake. YUM! We tried a variety of cookies but the one that we just couldn’t get over was the famous corn cookie. I remember thinking, how did they get all of that corn flavor in there? It tastes like real corn! Who would have thought this plain yellow cookie would be the best thing we’ve tasted, like ever!

I don’t know why it took me a year and a half to finally see if the recipe was on the internet somewhere! I found a few but ended up using this one from The Kitchn.

The most interesting part of this recipe is the freeze dried corn powder that I ended up making by using my coffee grinder. One bag of freeze dried corn makes enough corn powder for approximately 1 1/2 batches of cookies.

One of the most important elements is to cream the butter and sugar for a good 10 minutes!

You must chill your cookie dough for at least 1 hour before baking!

The texture of this cookie is absolutely amazing and the sweet and savory flavor is so unique!



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