Homemade Heart Poptarts

What kid (or grown up for that matter) doesn’t like a poptart? Poptarts were just a staple part of my childhood, mostly as a snack, not really a breakfast food! In my freshman year of college I contribute at least part of gaining the dreaded freshman fifteen, to too many poptarts. They were relatively inexpensive, tasted good, and were easy to eat on the go. After going a little overboard with the poptarts my freshman year, I’ve actually stopped buying them completely and haven’t had one in probably 10 years. That was until today….

I was actually trying to come up with a fun breakfasty food for my husband’s birthday. I make him a special breakfast on his birthday every year, and it is always fun to have something a little different and unexpected. So this year, I attempted to make homeade strawberry poptarts. And you know what? He loved them! They turned out great!

They were so simple to make.

All you need is: roll out pie dough, strawberry (or really any flavor) jam, a heart shaped cookie cutter, fork, and a small bowl of water, milk and powdered sugar for the icing, and some sprinkles!

Step 1: Roll out your pie dough and begin using the heart shaped cookie cutter to cut out as many hearts as you can.

It is kind of like a puzzle trying to get as many hearts out of the dough that you can. I love that this roll out pie dough is the perfect thickness and it tastes great too. So easy.

Step 2: Make pairs of hearts. One is for the bottom of the poptart, and one is for the top. Using a fork, poke holes in the top layer so the hot air has room to escape while baking.


Step 3: Place a small amout of strawberry jam on the bottom piece of your poptart. Be sure to leave room for the top part to stick on to the bottom piece.

Step 4: dip your finger in a bowl of water and gently wet the outer rim of the bottom piece of dough.

This water will act as a glue when you place your top layer over the bottom layer!

Step 5: Place your top layer over the bottom and gently press down on the edges to stick them together.


Step 6: Using a fork, press down along the edges to create a nice seal around the edges of your poptart. It looks nice too!


Step 7: Place your strawberry filled, heart shaped poptarts on a baking pan lined with parchment paper. Bake at 425 degrees for 7-8 minutes until the edges are slightly golden brown. Don’t worry if some of your strawberry jam comes out. It is easy to clean up and doesn’t really affect the poptarts.

Step 8: Take out your baked poptarts and let them cool on a wire rack while you prepare your frosting.

Step 9: To make the frosting I mixed together 2 cups of powdered sugar with about 2 tablespoons of milk. I added a spoonful of jam and a few drops of vanilla for extra color and flavor. The consistency should be thick, but spreadable.


Step 10: Using a spoon spread some frosting over the top of the poptart. It doesn’t need to look perfect!

Step 11: Immediately add sprinkles on top of your frosting so that it sticks!

Step 12: Repeat the last two steps above until all of your poptarts are frosted. Let them dry before storing them so the icing can set.

These poptarts were delicious and taste so much better than the store bought ones. They took a little bit of time, but were so simple to make. These would make wonderful valentine’s day treats or any occasion extra special! Please feel free to pin and share this post with others who might enjoy it!


2 thoughts on “Homemade Heart Poptarts

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