Pecan Pumpkin Dessert


In the past, If I was going to entertain, or bring food to a party, I would rush to the store to buy everything I needed to make my signature dish. As of lately, I’ve realized that buying ingredients to make a dish isn’t really that cost effective. Well then, what is my new plan? I buy what is on sale and I use whatever I have in my pantry/ fridge to make something.

This Pecan Pumpkin Dessert is a perfect example. My sister in law was having a birthday party, and everyone was supposed to bring something to eat. I had grabbed a couple cans of pumpkin that were on sale the week before at the grocery store.

Before the party I started googling ingredients I had in my pantry, pumpkin, evaporated milk, butter golden cake mix….

And this recipe came up from Betty Crocker! 

I had pretty much everything, except 2 eggs. I hurried to my backyard (hooray for backyard chickens!) and found 2 more eggs! 

This dessert is so yummy! It’s fall in a spoon, and has all of the yumminess of pumpkin pie without the crust. It can be served warm or cold.

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