Cozy Winter Baby Shower

Remember that winter themed baby shower I’ve been talking about? Well here it is! Isn’t it so cozy looking?

This baby shower was a joint effort of a few friends. They came up with the Cozy Winter Theme and I created the cake and flowers to fit. One of the girls hosted at her house which had a lovely cottage cabin feel. Her house and decor really brought so much to the warmth of the atmosphere.

Don’t you just love the light coming in from these old windows? Here is the Winter Chocolate Gingerbread Cake I featured previously on the blog. We served the cake along with light snacks, hot tea, and coffee.

One of the girls hosting is known for making the cutest bunting! The Mama we were celebrating is from Alaska, so she made this Alaskan themed bunting that the Mama could use in the baby’s nursery after the shower. I love being able to re-purpose quality decorations when ever possible!

A chandelier of some paper snowflakes were hung over the Mama’s special seat. The touches of plaid emphasized a cozy feeling.

We did a diaper raffle for this cute little prize basket we put together. Everyone who brought a package of diapers put their name into a bowl for a chance to win! Baby showers don’t have to look babyish! Remember, the baby isn’t even here yet! It can be about the Mama. 😉

Remember these little beauties? If not, check out my DIY Winter Floral Arrangements post! Simple and even small flower arrangements can do so much to elevate and even pull together the theme of a shower.

Can you feel the warmth of the room from this picture? The hostess had an amazing wood burning stove that was crackling during the event.

I learned that the space in which you’re hosting a shower can really enhance the event. It certainly did in this case! We actually weren’t planning to have the shower at this particular house, but something came up at the last moment and the location was switched. The shower happened to fall on a weekend that there was a crazy ice storm that swept through the Midwest, and we almost had to cancel the baby shower! I’m so glad we didn’t cancel, and I’m so glad everything worked out! Beautiful location, delicious food, and wonderful company! 🙂

I’d love to know your thoughts! Would you host a Cozy Winter Baby Shower? Feel free to leave a comment below!


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