Freezer Breakfast Burritos

So a long time ago, more like 5 years ago, when we were newlyweds, my husband used to get up and make himself and me breakfast almost every morning before work. It was so great!

Our mornings look a lot different now. I’m usually sleeping or feeding the baby when my husband gets up early to go to work. He never seems to have the time to make himself a hot breakfast, and usually ends up taking something on the road, or eats when he gets to work.

I wanted to come up with a good breakfast solution that was cost effective and easy.

So I began making these breakfast burritos and they are the perfect answer to our problem. They are warm (perfect for those cold mornings), takes a minute to heat in the microwave, and they are perfect for taking on the road should you need to!

Each batch usually consists of 10-12 burritos, so that is 2 weeks of breakfast for my hubby, and at 83 cents a piece, I’d say that is pretty great.

What you need:

1 pkg of 10 large tortillas 

1 dozen eggs 

1lb of country mild sausage 

2 cups of mild cheddar 

Saran wrap

Gallon freezer bags


Step 1: Brown the ground sausage and let cool to room temperature. Scramble and cook a dozen eggs and also let cool.

Step 2: Mix the cooled sausage and eggs together evenly.

Step 3: Place a tortilla on top of a square of saran wrap. Put a little bit of cheese down in the middle. Scoop some of the egg/ sausage mixture and place on top of the cheese, and then sprinkle a little more cheese on top. (The cheese helps everything stick together when you warm up the burrito!

Step 4: Fold the short ends of the burrito in first and then roll the burrito. Secure with saran wrap and place into a labeled gallon freezer bag.

What are your go to quick breakfast recipes?

2 thoughts on “Freezer Breakfast Burritos

  1. Gina Lorraine McDaniel says:

    I never thought of doing this before but it makes so much sense! My husband absolutely loves them. I even made a version with a pound of colored bacon instead of the sausage. Both were hits. Now just waiting for the next great food idea you have. 😄

    Liked by 1 person

    • thecheerfulspace says:

      So glad you love them Gina! Good idea with the bacon, you could really add anything you want to these burritos!


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