DIY Scotch Canister Planters


Father’s Day is quickly approaching and sometimes it is hard to come up with an inexpensive gift for Dad. My husband is a lover of the finer things, mainly scotch and cigars. Last week, we were cleaning out our kitchen cabinets and he decided to get rid of the scotch boxes and canisters he had been holding onto in a cabinet for the past 6 years. It’s a tradition for my parents and me to gift him a nice bottle of scotch each year on his birthday so we had quite a few bottles and boxes. I could see why he would hold on to them, they remind him of the scotches he’s tried and have pretty neat packaging. Little did he know, I stashed some of the canisters in our spare room as I tried to think of a way to re-purpose them as a gift for him.

My husband lets me do almost anything I want when it comes to decorating, so I try to incorporate things he loves into the decor that make us BOTH happy. I hope these little planters will bring him joy when he sees them in our home. 🙂

What you need: Scotch canister, box cutter, sanding block, potting soil, and a plant of your choice.


Here are the canisters I started with. They are wonderful containers, but they are really tall, which makes them difficult to re-purpose.


The first step is to cut the canister down. At first I was going to make two planters from each canister, which you can totally do, but I later decided to just do one of each from the top part of the container.


Use your box cutter to cut right below where you want the bottom of your planter to be. I really wanted to get the name of the scotch OBAN on the planter.


Next, take a sanding block to even out and smooth the canister where you cut it. It doesn’t have to be perfect, but get it close.


Then take the lid from the top of the canister and re position it to be at the bottom. This is easy because they just pop out!


Here you can see me repeating the same steps for the ABERLOUR planter.



I found these two little plants at our local hardware store for $0.99 each! So this whole project cost $2! Use some potting soil to plant your greenery or blooms and there you have it! The perfect use for your scotch canisters, the perfect gift for your scotch lover, and the gratification of re-purposing good packaging! 😉


Here is what they look like from the back!


I just love the details in the artwork of the packaging!


Feel free to pin and share! I hope this helps you re-purpose your own scotch canisters!

8 thoughts on “DIY Scotch Canister Planters

  1. caitpb says:

    WOW! What a great Father’s Day idea, or just great decor idea in general. I just did a post on decorating with plants, and I’m wishing I included this!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Diane Bilke says:

    Great idea, and beautiful! Question: Did you seal the inside before adding the soil? I’ve been wondering what to do with our collection of scotch canisters, too, and would like to try your idea. However, ours are paper/cardboard construction, and would seem to be fairly temporary planters after a few waterings.


    • thecheerfulspace says:

      Hi Diane! I did not seal mine, and mine will probably not last forever because they are cardboard. They are still holding up well for now though. I think you could definitely seal them to make them last longer, or maybe line the inside of the cannisters with plastic before putting in the soil. Good luck!


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