DIY Animal Magnets

Some of you know that I’ve been working on putting together my home office space. I shared a Dry-Erase Calendar I made last week, and this week I’m sharing some cute little animal magnets I made.

I like the idea of having an ever changing inspiration board, where I can put up images, quotes, to-do lists, and photographs. I found a magnetic board from Ikea that I thought would be a good fit for the space and set out to find some unique magnets for it. Once again, I found myself thinking, I should just make the magnets I want instead of buying them for more money!

A friend of mine had given me some magnets years ago that were made of ceramic. They were the busts of little farm animals and I had always loved them. I decided to use them as inspiration for this project.

What you need: Plastic Animals (I found this bag of farm animals at The Dollar Tree), Craft Magnets (I choose mini power magnets from hobby lobby because the animals I bought were small.), Spray Paint, Super Glue, Heavy Clamp and Electric Hand Saw (Optional if you want to cut the animals).

With my wonderful husband’s assistance, we used a heavy clamp to secure the plastic animals so we could cut them with a small electric saw.

This went really fast, and worked well. Please make sure you are using safety precautions if you choose to do this! I left some of the animals whole because they were too small to cut.

Then I took all of the animals outside and spray painted them a nice solid gold.

After coating one side, and leaving them to dry, I turned them all over and sprayed them again.

When the plastic animals were dry, I brought them inside.

I took a mini magnet and carefully put some super glue on.

I gently placed the animal piece on the magnet.

I repeated the process with each magnet and animal piece.

Here is a little lamb that I left whole.

Since the sheep did not have a flat edge, I had to hold it in place over the magnet a little longer until it dried.

I left the magnets to sit and dry overnight.

And here they are in action! Aren’t they cute?!


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