DIY Dry Erase Calendar

I’m currently working on decorating my new office space in my basement. I’ve been pinning images, and making lists of what kinds of things I need (more like want) in my space. I really wanted a nice calendar, that was not only functional, but aesthetically pleasing too. I found some really cute and trendy ones at paper source, but even at half off I was still looking at spending $17. What bothered me the most, was that I would have to buy a new calendar every year. What if the next year I couldn’t find one in the same size, or one that fit the rest of my office decor? So I wondered if I could make my own reusable calendar that would work. I set out to make my own dry erase calendar that was also trendy.

What you need: A glass frame. (If it is not real glass, you cannot write on it with a dry erase) Nice paper or card stock, tape, a patterned wrapping paper, scissors, a cutting board (if you have one), ruler, dry erase markers.

Start out by measuring and cutting your wrapping paper to fit the frame. I used the paper that came inside the frame as a template to cut out my wrapping paper. I found the wrapping paper at HomeGoods! They have some really great wrapping paper and this roll was only $2.99. I like that you can customize the background of the calendar to fit your specific decor/ style, so really get something you like!

You might have to do some measuring to see what size your squares need to be. I wanted 5 rows and 7 columns, plus room for me to put what month it was. For my 11 x 14 frame, the squares I cut were 1.5 x 1.5″. If you have a bigger frame, you could have larger squares, and/or make spaces for the days of the week to be included as well.

For the squares I actually used leftover thank you cards from my wedding that were just sitting in a drawer.

Lay out all of your squares on the wrapping paper to get an idea of where you want them and make sure everything fits.

I just eyeballed it, but if you really want it perfect, you can use a ruler to measure and make sure you have even spaces.

After I got a good idea of how I wanted my calendar to look, I started taping the squares to the wrapping paper.

I started with the first row and column, and then made sure to individually space the rest off of the first rows.

The tape makes the squares pretty easy to move around if you don’t get them on there just right on the first try!

When your calendar is done simply place it into your frame and close up the back.

Now the real fun begins! I got nice dry erase markers that came with an eraser on the end at the dollar tree. I pulled up this month’s calendar, filled in the month, and numbered the squares.

Pretty simple huh?

The dry erase marker and eraser works so well on the glass of the frame!

I have been loving this calendar, and I hope you will too!


4 thoughts on “DIY Dry Erase Calendar

  1. Crystal says:

    This looks great! So easy to change each month and a nice splash of color. Wanted to pin, but don’t see a Pinterest ext.?
    Thanks for sharing with us at Family Joy Blog linky party.


    • thecheerfulspace says:

      Thank you Crystal! Thanks for letting me know about the pin button! I’m still figuring all of this out ;-), but I was able to add it! I hope that helps! Thanks for visiting! 🙂


  2. Pingback: White Board Decoration With Marker -

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